Buxton Film

Outgrow the System

DocumentaryBuxton Cinema - Pavilion Arts Centrebutton--dates-and-timesDates & Times

"Change the system, not the climate" is a common demand in the climate movement. But what kind of system do we actually want? In the midst of humanity's worst crisis, the pioneers stand ready. Meet the new economic perspectives that have the potential to change the world at its core. The engaging one-hour documentary will be followed by an informal discussion led by Dr Terry Newholm, retired Reader in Consumer Economics at Manchester University.

This film is brought to you by a partnership between Buxton Film and Transition Buxton which is a local organisation active in promoting awareness of environmental issues affecting all of us and acting in practical ways such as The Repair Café, Community Orchard, Library of Things, and others. To ensure all those who wish to attend can, admission will be by donation on the door instead of a set amount.

Directors: Cecilia Paulsson, Anders Nilsson

There will also be a discussion after the screening if you would like to stay.

  • Duration: 1hr
  • Price: Free
