
Tender Notice

20 July 2023

With great thanks to Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund.

We are excited to invite businesses to tender for an upcoming accessibility project at the Buxton Opera House, to help us to upgrade our hearing assist system.

We currently use a dated Sennheiser Infra-Red system to offer hearing assistance to our customers.

We are looking for quotes and specifications to cover our listed 901 seat auditorium, to offer local induction loop facilities without any interference to the on-stage production, and expand to offer Audio description, both non-intrusive. If possible to offer connection to smart devices for both audio assistance and open days.

We currently have budget in place for this and would be looking to proceed as soon as possible.

If you would like to tender for this project or require any further information, please contact Head of Technical, Jim Morgan at [email protected] or on 01298 211882