Buxton Film

Driving Mum rating-12a

Buxton Cinema - Pavilion Arts Centrebutton--dates-and-timesDates & Times

Films from Iceland have always struck a chord with our Monday night audiences. There is something about their black humour and oddness that appeals, makes us laugh and, not to forget, the landscapes. This film ticks all those boxes and will not disappoint. Shot in black and white, Driving Mum follows Jón Jónsson and his mother, whose lives are defined by a quiet daily routine, sitting together and knitting while listening to old radio programs. On what turns out to be the night of her death, Mamma lets on to Jón her wish to have a photo of herself taken in front of the impressive Gulfoss waterfalls. So the next morning, when he finds she’s died during the night, he dresses her up as best he can, props up her dead body in the backseat of his car, grabs the dog and he and Mamma begin their journey to her final resting place. More oddness is encountered along the way.

This film is programmed by Buxton Film and features no trailers. 

Cast: Þröstur Leó Gunnarsson, Kristbjörg Kjeld, Hera Hilmar
Director: Hilmar Oddsson

  • Duration: 112 mins
  • Rating: rating-12a
  • Price: £5 (Students/Children: £1)
