John Nichol's The Unknown Warrior. A Personal Journey of Discovery and Remembrance

John Nichol's The Unknown Warrior

A Personal Journey of Discovery and Remembrance, 7:30pm Buxton Opera Housebutton--dates-and-timesDates & Times

Former RAF Tornado Navigator John Nichol delves into the story of The Unknown Warrior.

Over a million British Empire soldiers died in the First World War, today, around half still lack known graves due to the scale of combat and conditions.

In an emotional personal journey, John Nichol retraces the Unknown Warrior’s journey home from the battlefields of Northern France to Westminster Abbey.

In this remarkable and highly emotive theatrical experience, brought to life with haunting visuals, and an arousing soundscape, the audience will be taken back to these explosive times and experience the fervor of those that have gone before us.

Dates & Times

  • Price: £28
