Oddsocks productions. Julius Caesar. Five actors with four holding daggers directed at a spoof-dead Julius Caesar
Oddsocks Productions

Julius Caesar

, 7:30pm Pavilion Arts Centrebutton--dates-and-timesDates & Times

Rome 44BC. Egotistical Emperor Julius Caesar is sweating (and it’s not just the heatwave).

His liberal Senators are a stabbing pain in the backside. They’ve had enough! Rome is in chaos, trust in the government is weak and the emperor’s fate is written in the stars (or the ‘entrails of a goat’).

The peasants are revolting as the most famous political coup in literature is given the Oddsocks treatment. Expect the tearing of togas, the swishing of roman swords, some preposterous puppetry and the biggest battle scene five actors have ever created.

Dates & Times

  • Duration: 2hr
  • Age Guidance: 7+
  • Price: £20.50



Children/Students: £13